TaskOp Newsletter: September 2020

TaskOp Newsletter:
September 2020

Welcome! to all of our current TaskOp users and those who want to learn more about TaskOp. We are excited to keep you informed with this new publication. Check out RCP’s TaskOp webpage for everything you need to know about TaskOp: available modules, a quick tutorial video, informational survey and an opportunity to test-drive the system.

This month’s issue includes:

Mobile Offline Data Entry – Available Now*

(*Advanced License Required)

This brings the ability for your field crews to enter data into the system even when they do not have internet access.  Once enabled on the system level, users will gain new abilities on their mobile devices running the mobile app.  Filling in record forms looks and feels just like the live version, which makes the feature familiar and user friendly.

  • Version 1: Add Data
    • Add records to any available table that is compatible with version 1 of Mobile Offline.
    • New records are cached until internet is available again, then auto uploaded.
    • Users can force their app to work fully offline whenever they want (independent of their phone settings)
      • This is a great feature if you are in an area that suffers from intermittent signal. Just force the app to work offline and not worry about cell service.
    • Interface will look the same, just certain abilities are turned off in this version
    • Users can sync with the live database manually at any time (internet access required)
  • Version 2 (coming soon): view reports and data
    • Charts and Reports will become available for viewing in their cached state while offline (they will not live update till the user has internet access)
    • View current records

New Table Report Interface – Available Now

(use the “New Style – Beta” slider to enable/disable)

The new table report style is a view into the new style that will come to all reports and charts in the future.  This update brings many new features which are listed below.  This feature will be able to be turned on and off on a per user basis and a per report basis till it is fully rolled out in September.  Please get familiar with this update now so that when it is changed over for good, you are familiar with how it works.  If you would like a quick tutorial, please reach out to RCP and we will be happy to do a quick show and tell.

  • New available features: 
    • Column Filters for all columns
      • Able to filter on all data visible in the report, instead of just 5 pre-determined filters that are the same for all reports. 
    • Collapsible grouping
      • Expand and collapse groups of data within your reports.
    • Tiered grouping
      • Add additional sub-groupings to your data so that you can better group your data and visualize it. The old setup only shows what is in the final level of grouping that you set (in multi-level grouping). The new method will show what records fall into each level of grouping you set on a report. 
    • Manual resizing of columns
      • Adjust the width of columns on the fly, just like in Excel. 
    • New pagination controls stuck at bottom of screen
      • Report page controls that you used to have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the report to see are now stuck to the bottom of your browser window for easy access at any time.
    • Full screen mode
      • Always available access to full screen mode on reports (not just from the dashboard report menu options) so that you can fully utilize your monitor real estate to analyze your data.
    • Redesigned menu options in upper right
      • More useful actions are visible with rarely used actions under ‘more menu’.
    • Save/Save As/Revert changes made while viewing the report
  • Coming soon:
    • Persistence of changes for each user account
      • Set your own column widths, row heights, filters, etc. and have them stick with you every time you personally view that report.
    • Column filter enhancements
      • Greater than/less than operators for numeric fields, contain searching for text fields, etc.
    • In-line editing without needing to click on grid edit
      • Edit your record data by easily double clicking on a cell and changing it. No more need to click on grid edit and wait for a special version of the report to load.
    • Report Customizing side panel
      • Group and filter on the fly with a sidebar pull out instead of having to load a new screen to access all report customizing features which you may not need.

New types of charts:

  • Heat maps
  • Histogram
  • Box Plot
  • Radar
  • Tree Map
  • Ribbon
  • Donut
  • Pareto

New Dashboards

A dashboard revamp is coming to bring a more functional and customizable dashboard to the system.  This will make dashboards more beneficial than they are today.  Here are some of the features that are being worked on:

  • Whole dashboard level filters
    • Filter your dashboard reports via data filters just like you would in a report. Filters apply across all dashboard items that include the filter element that was chosen.  For example, if you filter for a specific team, all reports that have data connected to a team will filter to show that team’s records, like their work orders, OQs, etc.
  • Cross Application Reporting
    • Pull data from another app you have access to and bring it onto your current app dashboard to see all relevant data in one place.
  • Fully Interactive
    • No loss of current dashboard functionality. Interact with your dashboard reports, filter reports, search reports, etc. right from the dashboard.
  • Resizable Reports
    • Resize any dashboard report to make one that you want to see larger than the others, to easily see the data or to reorganize your dashboard.

New System Interface Update

This is in the early stages and these are just ideas for upgrading the interface of the system.

  • The system will be getting a modernization improvement next year to keep up with other software.
  • Tables will be on a side bar on the left side to allow more room for data on the screen.
  • Kind of like a mobile experience but larger screen and more mouse and keyboard friendly.
  • This will allow for easier navigation and better viewing of your data. As well as open doors for new features and functionality not feasible with current interface.

Mobile Enhancements

Additional features coming to the mobile app to expand its usefulness.

  • Signature Capture
    • New field entry that allows you to use your finger or compatible stylus to digitally sign forms, similar to DocuSign.
  • Lat/Long Capture
    • Be able to press the locate button on address fields and have your GPS coordinates appear instead of an approximate street address.
  • Push Notifications
    • Instead of relying on email notifications to remind field crews and supervisors of upcoming tasks and field issues, those notifications can be pushed directly to their mobile device to alert them quicker and more quickly and efficiently.  Just like getting a phone call or text message.
  • Screen-by-Screen Workflows (I.E. – Steps in a Work Order)
    • A new way of creating process flows in your digital forms.  Add in steps to a form so that users will need to fill out the questions in the first page of the form, then they hit the ‘next’ button to progress to the next step.  This adds a whole new ability to smart forms where the next step is dependent on what you do in the previous step.

System Integration with Third Party Apps*

(*Requires Licenses for the Software that you want to integrate with)

The system has added a new native ability to create links between itself and certain third-party applications.  This reduces the need for custom integrations to an extent, depending on the level of integration you want to have between the two pieces of software.  Although any integration can be possible, so don’t hesitate to ask if you need another software to interact with TaskOp.

  • The currently available line up is Box, Clearbit, DocuSign, Dropbox, Formstack, Jira, MailChimp, Outlook, SharePoint, OneDrive, QuickBooks Online, Salesforce and Slack.
  • Future 2020/2021 phased roll out includes Adobe, Sage, AWS, Google Drive and Docs, Onelogin, SAP, Zendesk and IBM.

Best regards,  

Daniel Pate | Director, TaskOp Development  | RCP Inc.
T: (713) 655-8080 | email: DPate@rcp.com

Best regards,  

Daniel Pate
Director, TaskOp Development
RCP Inc.
T: (713) 655-8080
email: DPate@rcp.com


TaskOp is a trademark of RCP Inc.