In This Issue

Gas Pipeline DIMP Regulations in New York – Proposed Rule Making

[I.D No. PSC-42-12-00006-P]

The New York Public Service Commission has proposed a consensus rule making to revise Chapter III, Gas Utilities, Subchapter C, Safety, Part 255, Transmission and Distribution of Gas; by adding Sections 255.1001, 255.1003, 255.1005, 255.1007, 255.1009, 255.1011, 255.1013 and 255.1015. The proposed rule will identify, and take measures to reduce, integrity risks to gas pipelines. It conforms the Commission’s regulations to federal regulations with which operators of gas distribution pipelines and small LPG operators must currently comply. The language of the proposed regulation differs from the Federal Regulation in minor part in:

  • The definition of “hazardous leak” which cross references the definition of that term with that which appears in other areas of Part 255 in order to maintain consistency.
  • The waiver process to recognize the authority and established procedures of the Public Service Commission.
  • Utilization of the One-Call Notification System as the “notification center” for increased efficiency because Local Distribution Companies are required to participate in that system.
  • The term “master meter” is removed because sub-metering is not recognized as a valid method of service.

Staff has discussed these proposed revisions with various stake holders. Based on communications with stakeholders, no person is likely to object to the adoption of the proposed rule as written. In accordance with the provisions of the State Administrative Procedure Act (SAPA) § 202(1)(b)(2)(i), this therefore, should be considered a consensus rule making. No hearing has been scheduled.

For a copy of the proposed rulemaking, contact Jessica Roger.