In This Issue

Delaware Proposed Regulation for Underground Injection Control

[Number 7-7102 – Regulations Governing Underground Injection Control]

The Final Regulation for 7102 Regulations Governing Underground Injection Control that was published in the June 1, 2018 issue of the Delaware Register of Regulations (21 DE Reg. 978) contained two errors. The submitted final regulation failed, for consistency purposes, to correct a unit of measurement of ppm in subsection 65.5.1 to the equal unit of measurement of mg/L. In addition, the submitted final regulation failed to amend the effective date of August 15, 1983 to June 11, 2018. The full text of the final regulation is not being republished. Please see 21 DE Reg. 978 for the final amendments to 7102 Regulations Governing the Underground Injection Control.