In This Issue

What makes RCP’s online training different?

Online Training Done Right! Check out our online training introduction video. Our online training has been built from the ground up to make the most use of the virtual learning environment. We’ve re-organized our training material into 5-10 minute* bite-sized topics, and made them all available in a format that allows students to take them in any order and at any time. Topics include a video presentation, as well as external reference links and thumbnails of the slides. At the close of each lesson we will have a short quiz. The class includes live Q&A sessions each day to address questions, work through example problems, and review the quizzes.

Students will have the ability to browse the material in the manner that best suits their learning style. They can choose to watch all the topic videos, click-through the slides to skip topics they already know, browse through the reference materials and links, or a combination of all those things. They can spend more time on topics of bigger interest and skip the ones they don’t need to review (a liquid transmission operator probably isn’t interested in gas distribution topics). A three-day in-person course can be done in three days online by watching the appropriate videos each morning and attending the live Q&A sessions in the afternoon. Or, students can review the online materials in advance as their schedule allows and just log on for the live Q&A sessions when scheduled.

While there is no substitute for in-person training, we have done our best to create the next-best thing. We hope you will agree, and here’s what past attendees are saying:

“The course was great. I really think that the course setup is helpful for comprehending the information. The biggest benefit is having “homework” and being able to look back at the information to help solidify the learning. I would recommend this layout for information delivery in the future with more “homework” and videos walking through the results.”

“I appreciated the visuals accompanied by an explanation, especially with the mouse pointer to guide where to look/which section was being explained.”

“The presentation was great – at a good pace and with enough background that I understood what he was presenting.  Thank you.”

“I liked all of the details that Nathan provided. I learned a lot about the different types of testing for each of the properties. I knew generally what was available before but now I have a lot more knowledge. This will be helpful when sourcing vendors for material testing.”

*Truth in advertising – some of the recorded topics are 40 minutes.  It must be true that the older people are, the more long-winded they become.  But it’s all good.  Honest!