In This Issue

MMS NTL 2007-N04, Oil Discharge Written Follow-up Reports

The Minerals Management Service (MMS) issued a National Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) in the outer continental shelf (OCS) clarifying the information to be included in the written follow-up discharge reports required by 30 CFR 254.46(b)(2) for all oil discharges of one barrel or more.

Submit your written follow-up reports to the MMS Gulf of Mexico Regional Supervisor (RS), Alaska OCS RS, or Pacific OCS Region District Manager within 15-calendar days; even if ongoing damage assessment, weather conditions, or other situations prevent you from determining a total, official discharge volume. Failure to submit written follow-up reports with the 15-day period could result in the issuance of an Incident of Non-Compliance (INC).

The NTL effective date is September 26, 2007.

For a copy of NTL 2007-N04 contact Jessica Roger.