In This Issue

TNRCC Changing Name to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Beginning September 1, 2002, the TNRCC will formally change its name and begin doing business as the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, or the TCEQ.

The name change is required by our Sunset legislation, House Bill 2912. The Texas Legislature felt that the new name is shorter and gives people a better sense of the agency’s purpose. Plus, it’s more consistent with what other states are calling their environmental agencies.

The agency name change does NOT affect any previous permits, registrations, or any other paperwork or transactions between the public and the TNRCC prior to Sept. 1, 2002. It also does not affect any signage or other postings required of businesses by this agency. All the powers, duties, rights, and obligations of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission are the powers, duties, rights and obligations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Many of our forms, documents, and Web pages will continue to refer to the TNRCC for a while as we phase in our name change.

If you have any questions, please contact us at